Holy Week and Easter at Mepkin
Palm Sunday
On Palm Sunday morning, there was a deluge at Mepkin, and so it was impossible to have the outdoor procession as planned. Instead, the palms were blessed by Abbot Stan outside the church, and the congregation made a shorter but drier procession into the church. The abbot preached on the celebration of the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and said the he would refer to the Kingship of Jesus throughout the week. You can access Abbot Stan’s Palm Sunday homily here.
Holy Thursday
The monastic refectory was full for the midday celebration of the symbolic washing of the hands by Abbot Stan of all the monks and guests. This was an imitation of Jesus washing the feet of the disciples at the Last Supper as a sign of service. After all the participants’ hands were washed, a delicious meal was served by the abbot and the other members of the council to all present.
On Holy Thursday afternoon, there was a celebration of the Lord’s Supper, and afterward, a procession to the altar of repose, where we watched and prayed with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. You can access Abbot Stan’s Holy Thursday homily here.
Good Friday
On Good Friday afternoon at 3 pm, the community and congregation gathered for a celebration of the Lord’s Passion and death. The Passion Gospel was read, and a relic of the True Cross was used for veneration. Each member of the congregation came and reverently kissed the cross. This was followed by the distribution of Holy Communion. You can read Abbot Stan’s Good Friday homily here.
Holy Saturday/Easter Sunday
On Holy Saturday night, the Easter vigil began with the lighting of the Passover fire outside the administration building and a procession with the Easter candle, where it was proclaimed that Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. Father Kevin sang the Exultat, and there were readings from the Old Testament and the New Testament. You can access Abbot Stan’s Easter homily here. With candles lighted, all present renewed their baptismal promises and received blessing with the Easter water. This was followed by the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Afterwards, all adjourned to the monastic refectory for refreshments. On Easter Sunday morning, Father Jonas presided at the liturgy. You can read his homily here.
Holy Saturday Photos
Easter Sunday Photos