Small reflection by the vocation director Father Kevin
As we pray Vigils at 4 AM each morning there are prayers…

Clothed as a novice, and clothed in the mercy of God
A reflection by Fr. Stephen on receiving the novice habit

God’s Way is Ongoing Discovery
Vocation Director Reflection by Fr. Kevin Walsh
There is a…

Embarking on 2024
Vocation Director Reflection
By Fr. Kevin Walsh
Through Him, with Him and in Him
Reflection from Vocation Director Fr. Kevin Walsh
Christ is…
We carry God’s presence in us into the world
The generosity of God is without measure.
When is God…
Advent calls those with a vocation to believe
The God who wants to be with us is bewildering for quite…
Advent teaches about saying yes to God
Saying yes to a call from God brings us to enter upon offering…
Unity in the Eucharist
The wider church is being called to reflect on vocations in…
Thoughts from the Vocation Director
Recently I have been re-reading the Jesuit, Father Karl Rahner’s…
Always mindful of God
by Fr. Kevin Walsh, Vocations Director, Mepkin Abbey
Christmas 2021 Reflection
On the threshold of Christmas, the faith of the Advent figures…
From Thomas Merton:
Lord, it is nearly midnight, and I am waiting for You in the…
Moving forward under God’s guidance
There has been an effort at the monastery to ask what is the…
Who Are the Monks and Nuns of Tomorrow?
by Fr. Kevin Walsh, Vocations Director, Mepkin Abbey
Thoughts from the Vocation Director
Awareness of God comes as we allow ourselves to be surprised…
Vocation discernment by Fr. Kevin Walsh, Mepkin’s Vocation Director
The attentive ear, receptive heart and open mind of a believer…
Recognizing a Vocations Call
Recognizing a Call
A close friend once told me that her vocation…
When we think about God’s call in our lives
As Mepkin has been featured in an article in the New York Times…