Memorial bricks are available at Mepkin’s new Memorial Arbor
Memorial Arbor Opened
Mepkin’s new memorial garden, which was the brainchild of our volunteer Craig Clark, is now up and running. The arbor is located close to the entry of the African-American cemetery and can be clearly seen on the left-hand side as you make your way to the store. Craig noticed the oak tree in the brush and designed the arbor around it. The arbor is a place where visitors can go to contemplate and pray. It is a location to plant trees and memorialize those who have gone before us.
The volunteer group cleared the vines, brush, and small trees from around the oak for the last year. Hans and Luis Alvarado removed stumps, cleared and leveled the area, installed the steel edging and walkway, mulched and planted trees. The arbor is designed in a circular pathway around a large live oak. Easily maintained trees will be planted in the understory around the canopy of the oak to provide color and contrast with the changing seasons.
If you would like to purchase a brick to memorialize loved ones and to create an income to support the volunteer program and maintain the arbor, you are invited and most welcome to do so. A brick costs $100. For an order form, please click here. Each 4 x 8 red brick will feature centered all-capital black lettering. There is room on each brick for three lines of eighteen characters (for example, “In loving memory of…”). The proceeds will go to maintaining the gardens and grounds of the monastery. Please return your completed information to the address shown on the form.