Lenten Mini Retreat Wednesday, February 28, 2018
“Exploring Our Images of God”
Mepkin Abbey Library
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
$10 payable at door bring lunch
Mini Retreat Description:
“Humankind was created as God’s reflection: in the divine image God created them; female and male, God made them.” (Genesis 1:27)
We are made in the image of God but what are our “images” of God? Our stories and our life experiences help to form our images of God. We will explore our images of God – healing images, forgiving images, compassionate images, powerful images and many others – and how these images affect our relationship with God. We desire to develop and further our relationship with God through prayer, meditation and contemplation. Naming and understanding our images of God will assist us in drawing closer to God.
Mini Retreat leaders
Gay Rowzie, HM
Sr. Gay loves stories and storytelling. She believes that the stories of the women in Scripture help us to discover who and whose we are. She has ministered at the diocesan and parish levels, in education and health care and is currently living in Rock Hill, SC leading retreat programs for women.
Susan Schorsten, HM
Sr. Susan has a great interest in women in the Church and has found that getting to know the women in our Scriptures and praying with them has been a great inspiration and source of encouragement to her. She has served for many years in leadership positions within her own religious congregation, with the Diocese of Charleston, SC and in health care ministry. She joins with Sister Gay in leading retreat programs for women.
To register for this Lenten mini retreat, click here: