Mepkin to celebrate 75 years of grace in 2024
Shown is the founding community of Mepkin Abbey in July 1951. Twenty-nine monks arrived at Mepkin from Gethsemani Abbey on Nov. 14, 1949.
In 2024, Mepkin Abbey will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the monastery. On Nov. 14, 1949, 29 monks arrived from Gethsemani Abbey to begin monastic life in the Low Country.
“With hearts filled with gratitude, for all God is doing in us, we invite everyone to join us in celebrating our 75th year,” Fr. Joe Tedesco, Superior, Mepkin Abbey.
Late last year “Between the Marsh and the Skies: The Mepkin Abbey Story,” was published. Click Here to purchase this illustrated history of the monastery by Robert R. Macdonald
This year Mepkin is launching several new endeavors — a documentary, an anniversary symposium series, a mobile app, a new garden dedicated to reconciliation amongst peoples — to celebrate and invite the community to join in and experience the fullness of Mepkin Abbey in its prayerful community of monks and in its sacred, serene landscape.
“The hospitality spoken of by St. Benedict in his Rule is extended to all people who visit Mepkin coming in touch with the uniqueness of our Cistercian life of prayer. Living at the heart of the Church, we share our faith, our life, our land and our prayer with the many who come to the monastery,” Fr. Joe.
Mepkin Milestones
Foundation of the Monastery
Nov. 14, 1949
First Mass in the Original Abbey Church
June 3, 1950
Last Mass in the Original Abbey Church
March 22, 1992
Groundbreaking for the New Abbey Church
June 15, 1992
First Mass in the New Abbey Church
Palm Sunday, 1993
Dedication of the New Abbey Church by Bishop David E. Thompson
Nov. 14, 1993
Dedication of the Zimmer Organ
March 6, 1994
Dedication of the Tower of the Seven Spirits
Oct. 23, 1994