Prayer for Monastic Vocations
Please join us in prayer for monastic vocations.
Gracious and Loving God
In every generation you call men and women
To leave everything
Following Christ into the desert
Being of one heart and one mind in peace, humility, and simplicity
We come before you now asking for the grace
To be faithful to our vocation
Striving to live in the communion of Love which surpasses all other gifts
May men and women of our time
Hear the call to live the Gospel in the monastic way
In service of the Church’s mission
By constantly seeking your face in prayer, work, and community life
Remember our Cistercian communities
Those aging and those newly born
Throughout the world, north and south, east and west
As you have done from the days of our founders
Bless us once again
May our brotherhood at Mepkin grow in numbers, in grace, and in wisdom
So that we might continue to live for your glory with greater vigor
And with joy never ending. Amen.
Thank you for your prayers. If you are able to offer a donation to support the Mepkin community, you can do so online by clicking here.