Tuesday/Thursday Prayer with Kathy Tosney & Friends
Dear friends,
Beginning this TUESDAY, February 1st we will be using a NEW LINK to enter the meetings. To make it simpler to access, there will be ONE LINK for ALL sessions. The new link is at the bottom of this email, and it will take you directly to the meeting. Please do not click on the link until you are ready to enter the meeting.
We are so pleased that we are continuing to host Meditation/Centering Prayer Opportunities each Tuesday & Thursday at 8 am & 8 pm indefinitely, as we have had a tremendous response to continuing these sessions.
Kathy Tosney and friends will guide us through the Meditation/Centering Prayer. Our 30-minute time together includes: Opening Prayer, Body Prayer Gestures, and a 20 minute “silent” Centering Prayer. No prior experience is necessary to participate.
Please feel free to invite any of your family members or friends to join us.
Fr. Guerric and Kathy Tosney
All are welcome!
** You will use this Zoom link for ALL sessions.**
Tuesday/Thursday 8:00 AM and PM Centering Prayer Sit with Kathy Tosney & Friends
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 372 179 245
Passcode: 193322
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Meeting ID: 372 179 245
Passcode: 193322
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