Mepkin Crèche Festival Dates Set: Nov. 18-23, Nov. 29-Dec. 7
Save the Date for Mepkin Abbey’s Annual Crèche Festival! The dates for 2024 will be Nov. 18-23 and then Nov. 29-Dec. 7. The theme this year is “Nativity: In Glass and Under Glass.”
There is no fee to attend but you must register in advance. Registration will be taken on the website starting Oct. 1.
For more questions email
Seeking volunteers
Volunteers are what make this festival happen! Are you interested in helping? Email
If you have not attended the Crèche Festival before, enjoy this video from last year’s festival to get an idea what this popular event is all about.
Photo featured is one of the top five chosen by festival visitors in 2023 by Vermont artist Mary Eldredge, display designer Jeff Kopish