Mepkin welcomes Justin Meyers our new postulant
Justin Meyers entered the Mepkin community on September 8th, the Feast of the Birth of Mary, the Mother of Jesus. From North Carolina where he has been working for the Department of Corrections, Justin visited Mepkin several times, mentioning his awareness that God was calling him to a deeper relationship. During his second visit he asked to speak with the vocation director and began the process of several visits and an observership. Relying on the counsel of his spiritual director at home in North Carolina, Justin progressed through a discernment process that brought him to make a formal request to enter. After interviews with the abbot, the vocation director and a third monk, Justin was asked to go for a psychological assessment. The recommendations of the assessment were received, and the abbot notified Justin that we would welcome him to join us as a postulant.
Please keep Brother Justin in your prayers as he advances in his monastic formation.